Saturday, November 2, 2013

30 Days of Thankfulness - Day 2

So today the girls and I went to The Potters' Obsession to paint some ceramics.  Now, admittedly, the only reason we went was because I had gotten a Town Wild deal that's expiring on the 22nd... but still.  I get credit for buying the Town Wild deal! 

Anyway, so we arrived, the lovely staff explained how it works - pick a piece of pottery (prices listed), wet it down with a sponge, pick your colors, paint (3 coats of each color), put it on the cart and all done... they'll fire it for you and it'll be done in a week. 

Emerald painting her
gingerbread man
The girls both picked out gingerbread ornaments and I picked out a snowman figurine.  So proud of the girls: they were focused and created masterpiece ornaments.  Best of all, they had a blast. 

Of course, I had painted ceramics before with my Grandma DeBoer.  Today brought back very fond memories of me sitting with Grandma painting ceramic Easter eggs, Christmas ornaments, and a certain wickedly awesome haunted house. 

Ireland painting her
gingerbread man
Today, I'm thankful for trying new things and sharing experiences with my daughters... passing down traditions.  Both girls asked if we can do it again.  The answer to that particular question is a resounding YES! 


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