Monday, December 17, 2012

Another week of Redd!

Today, Redd is hiding behind Uncle Mike's stocking.

Yesterday, he was feeling a bit celestial and hanging out with the angel at the top of the tree.

Saturday, Redd joined the rodeo and was riding a bucking? reindeer!

Friday, Redd hugged the Tiffany candlestick holder.

Thursday, Redd hung out with the angel at the top of my secretary (the girls decided he was with Grandma Connie).

Wednesday, Redd sat on the curtain rod, keeping it simple.

On Tuesday, Redd was swinging on the ceiling fan (he was NOT committing suicide as my husband thought - he's just being very safe and didn't want to fall off the swing). 

Sunday, December 9, 2012

More Redd

Today, Redd decided he loved Emerald's ornament she made in preschool so much, that he's wearing it as a necklace.

Yesterday, he was in a playful mood and played Ants in the Pants... although I think he had a different idea on how to play.

Friday, December 7, 2012

A week's worth of Redd!

So today, Redd is hanging out with his harem of women... (wait a minute, is that Rapunzel in disguise?! What happened to Flynn?!)

Tonight, the girls are watching Christmas classics: Frosty's Winter Wonderland and Twas the Night Before Christmas. (OK, so Ireland's more focused to her V-Reader, but that's ok.  She's still ROCKIN' the pink sequined Santa hat!)

Yesterday, Redd had a picnic...

Wednesday, Redd was being a "silly goose" and hiding in the wreath...

Tuesday, Redd was piloting a couple of Barbie toddlers around...

Monday, Redd perched himself in the corner on top of the doors...

 Sunday, Redd decided sitting on Mom's antique spice rack was fun...

Saturday, Redd hung out with Ireland's baby picture...

The girls was given a message from Santa on Saturday to give to Redd; "Hi, Redd!  Can't wait to see you tonight to let me know how these girls are behaving - good as usual, I'm sure!"

Last Friday, Redd kept an eye on Daddy's coffee pot by sitting on the spoon rack..