Friday, November 2, 2012

Thankful ~ Day 2

This morning, my 4 year old got sick in the car on the way to daycare.  As I raced back home to get her cleaned up and laying on the couch, calling my boss that I'd be working from home, calling the hubby that Em threw up, doing all of the things of a sudden routine change, I decided today would be the day to acknowledge how thankful for my first born. 

My husband and I always wanted to have children.  So a year after we got married, we decided to start trying to get pregnant.  Each month I wasn't pregnant was gut-wrenching, agonizing, heart-breaking, depressing.  I cried... a lot... I received all kinds of very "helpful", well-meaning advice like "Don't think about it and it'll happen" or "Don't stress about it" or "You could always adopt".  All from those who got pregnant right away, so had no idea the pain we were going through.  After a year of this, I went to see my OB-GYN about fertility treatments.  What an agonizingly slow process. 

First was testing on Dan.  He's superman... no, really, he is.  We even have it confirmed by a respected doctor (insert huge ego here!). 

Then was the multiple tests to see what could be wrong with me.  We thought we hit the jackpot right away because we found out that I was not ovulating.  I went on fertility meds to force ovulation.  It worked (more tests confirmed that), but still wasn't getting pregnant.  I had more tests to make sure my falopian tubes weren't blocked (they weren't), ultrasound to see if there were any issues with my ovaries (there weren't).  Finally, our doctor decided to do an exploratory laparascopy to see if I had any scar tissue on my uterus that was prohibiting pregnancy.  Bingo!  Our doctor fixed it and I was told to continue trying as soon as I felt up to it from surgery (I'd been on fertility meds for 9 months now).  The first month afterward the surgery, I wasn't pregnant and I was devastated.  Our doctor suggested trying another month or two since our next options weren't covered by insurance. 

After 2 years and 2 months of trying, tears, tests and medications, I *finally* was able to see that all-elusive plus sign on a test stick.  I sank to the floor and I cried again; but this time, it was tears of relief and extreme joy. 

On July 16, 2008, our little miracle girl arrived in a hurry (water broke at ~1 am and she was born at 8:11 am).  Emerald Irene was the answer to all of my hopes and dreams.  Every day, I count my blessings that I get to be mommy to such an intelligent, funny, creative, beautiful child in all of her sassy wonderousness. 
This was Em on her first Valentine's Day.  Quite the little pin-up!
One of my favorite baby pics of Em. 

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