Thursday, November 1, 2012

Day 1 of Being Thankful

Today is November 1st... November is the month when Thanksgiving occurs and one should reflect on the things that they are thankful for.  I did this last year on a smaller scale, but going "all out" this year. 

With having a bad (i.e. frustrating, irritating) week (bad month? bad year??) at work and complaining about all of the "bad", I need to take a step back and remember that I'm thankful for my job. 

I'm thankful that the flexibility of my job allows me to take my kids to their appointments and go on field trips with them.  I was able to take college classes and complete my education while working full time.  I'm thankful for that every day.

All I'll say is that I'm paid well for what I do.  Although I may complain about merit increases and reviews, I'm fairly compensated.  For this, I need to remember to be thankful because my job allows me to help support my family. 

While there are always people who grate on your nerves at work or that you just can't stand, there are people that you truly enjoy working with every day.  I'm lucky enough to have a coworker I thoroughly love working with each day and there are others whom I value... a former boss who is the best ever, an admin who is always helpful, site contacts who are funny and intelligent people, and many, many others.  If/when I should ever leave, I would miss the people the most.  For this, I'm thankful beyond words.

So, although change is hard to accept (and I'll be the first to admit, I'll probably complain again tomorrow about one thing or another), I'm very thankful to have my job and I'm thankful for all of the opportunities it has afforded me in the almost 12 years I've been there.   

What are YOU thankful for today?

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