Saturday, November 10, 2012

Day 10 ~ Work Ethic

It's been a long day of trying to get ready for Thanksgiving guests ~ finally finished the remodel of our master bedroom, starting organizing/cleaning one of the spare rooms, dishes done, laundry almost done (washed & dried, just not folded yet), girls' toenails painted per their request, etc. etc. etc.

Which brings me to what I'm thankful for today... I'm thankful to those who taught me a strong work ethic. 

My Grandma DeBoer... what a wonderful woman, for many, many reasons, but today I'll talk about HER work ethic.  She was a science and history teacher for many years (not even sure how many), she waitressed in a cafe after she retired from teaching and she was a missionary in Africa for a year. 

My Grandma Borneman... when her husband died suddenly leaving her with two teenage boys, she worked every odd job she could do in order to support herself and her sons. 

As much as it pains me... my father, whom I quote, "A job is not worth doing if it's not done right the first time." 

Last, but definitely not least, my hubby Dan.  He busts his butt, not only at his job to provide for our family, but also on the house.  For instance, he just finished siding the front half of our 3 story house: by... him... self... Yeah, that's dedication (and only slightly crazy); I admire and respect him. 

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